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IAE-ERAS Symposium 2024 - Thank You!

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Call for Applications: WERA Visiting Researcher Award 2024

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WERA Mentoring Programme - Open to ERAS members.


Promoting Educational Research

ERAS believes that Singapore can only continue to grow as a world-class education system if our educators and researchers are involved in high-quality educational research. In this section, we aim to raise public awareness of the importance of educational research, and share educational projects to generate interest and conversation on education issues.

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In the Classroom

Investment in educational research should focus on areas where intervention can bring real mileage that is, the real education battlefield – the classroom. This section consists of a compilation of research publications and research centres that are dedicated to research for improving teaching and learning.

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Researchers’ Resources

ERAS is committed to supporting the work of all those who are active in the field of educational research. This section provides ready availability to materials which researchers and practitioners may find useful. It includes guidance for those beginning their research journey as well as a collection of topic-specific web-only documents.

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ERAS Featured Videos

How to Develop Student’s Learning Potential by Prof David Tzuriel.

ERAS Seminar 2016

Professional networks in open landscapes of practices by Prof. dr. Maarten de Laat.

ERAS Seminar 2016

The Orchestration of Physical and Digital Classrooms by Prof Pierre Dillenbourg

ERAS Seminar 2015

The Politics of Distraction vs. the Politics of Collaborative Action by Prof John Hattie

ERAS Seminar 2015

Motivation in Sport and Physical Activity: Synthesis of Theories and Methods by Prof John Wang

SELF-ERAS Conference 2013

Reconsidering the Self: In Search of Authenticity by ProfSusan Harter

SELF-ERAS Conference 2013

Events & Conferences
  • ERAS AGM 2016
    23 Nov 2016
  • ERAS Seminar 2016
    5 Sept 2016
News Trends

Starting from pre-school, parents sending kids for classes in race to keep up with peers

Four in 10 families in Singapore pack their pre-school children off to tuition, a survey has found.

These kids spend two hours each week on extra academic classes, according to a poll of 500 families in May and last month.

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7 in 10 parents send their children for tuition: ST poll

The majority of parents here are spending hundreds of dollars every month on private tuition, despite knowing that extra classes may not significantly help raise their children’s grades.

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About ERAS

The Educational Research Association of Singapore (ERAS) was established in 1986 as a non-profit organisation to promote the cause of educational excellence in Singapore and the region via the conduct, promotion and use of relevant educational research.

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